IS YOUR PROPERTY IN Marylebone W1 PEST-PROOF? Proofing For Houses & Commercial Buildings In West London On Time 24 Hour Pest Proofing Services are available 7 days a week in Marylebone W1 and throughout West London.

Our 24 hr Pest Controllers in Marylebone W1 work to the strictest of British Industry Standards and guarantee humane pest control methods for all levels of infestation. Get in touch for a fast-response Proofing Service and one of our Pest Controllers in West London will visit your property fully-equipped to solve your pest problems.


We know all there is to know about how to keep pests away, from birds to bees, and always include a free Pest Proofing Consultation. Get in touch with our pest control team in Marylebone W1 for 24 hour guidance and request expert advice! We supply and install reliable Proofing solutions to keep Birds, Rodents, Foxes and Insects away and guarantee effective treatments for houses and commercial properties throughout West London.



Proofing Methods in Marylebone W1 used to deter:

  • Birds
  • Foxes
  • Rodents
  • Crawling Insects
  • Flying Insects



Book a FREE Pest Control Assessment anywhere in West London or call 020 8626 1817



BIRD PROOFING IN Marylebone W1 24 Hour Bird Proofing Services for Homes & Commercial Properties in Marylebone W1

On Time Pest Controllers in Marylebone W1 supply and install quality Bird Nets to keep birds away from your house or commercial building in Marylebone W1.


Put a stop to Pigeons and other large birds landing and roosting on your property in Marylebone W1 by installing high quality plastic or metal bird spikes. This industry standard bird proofing method is commonly used for private properties and industrial buildings throughout Marylebone W1.


On Time Pest Control provides discreet Bird Wire & Post solutions to stop Pigeons and other bird pests from roosting on and damaging your property in Marylebone W1.


A spring-tensioned bird wire is suspended between the posts and together they provide a practical solution for buildings where appearance plays an important role. Call our Bird Proofing Services anywhere in West London.


On Time Pest Control offers 24 hour Bird Culling Services for homes and commercial buildings in West London that are suffering a more severe bird infestation. Available only for Pigeon and Parakeet infestations at properties in Marylebone W1.



FOX PROOFING IN Marylebone W1 Heavy Duty Wire Mesh Fox Proof Fence, Humane Fox Trapping & Concrete Block Installation in West London WIRE MESH FENCING

Fox Proof Wire Mesh Fencing

Our heavy duty Fox Proof Fencing is supplied and installed to industry standards in Marylebone W1. On Time Pest Control offers Fox Proof Fencing as a sturdy solution to get rid of Foxes and Fox dens from your garden or business premises anywhere in West London.


Stop Foxes digging with our Heavy Duty Wire Mesh Fox Proof Fencing and keep Foxes away from your property for the long-term.


Concrete Block Installation

It is not uncommon for Foxes to dig deep under outbuildings and build Fox dens underneath sheds and decking!


If you think you need an even stronger solution, try our concrete block installation around outbuildings and structures to keep the Foxes out. Our Fox Controllers operate 24/7 in Marylebone W1 and throughout West London.


Fox Trapping & Disposal

Our 24 hour Pest Controllers in Marylebone W1 guarantee a 100% humane and safe Fox Trapping Service followed by safe Fox Removal and Disposal in accordance with the rules set out by the Licensed Waste Scheme. We deliver Fox Control solutions in West London consistent with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Protection of Animals Act 1911.



RODENT PROOFING IN Marylebone W1 Rodenticides, Drainage Services, Rat Flaps, Wire Mesh Covers, Concrete & Brickwork in West London WIRE MESH COVERS

During a Rodent Control Survey we will assess your property in Marylebone W1 to establish where the Rodents are gaining access. One reliable method of Rodent Proofing is Wire Mesh Covers installed neatly over the access holes. Our team can supply and install quality Wire Mesh Covers anywhere in West London to keep Rats, Mice and Squirrels away!


In cases where holes are being dug in your garden and around outbuildings, we will provide concrete and brickwork proofing solutions to seal them once and for all. This will put a solid stop to any type of Rodents in Marylebone W1 trying to gain access to your home or business premises situated anywhere in West London.


We have years of experience in providing Drainage Services in Marylebone W1 for houses and commercial premises to remove Rodent infestations and prevent new Rodents from taking their place. Do you believe Rats or Mice may be entering your property through the Drains? We will carry out a Full Drainage Inspection anywhere in West London using the latest CCTV technology and detail all the results in a written report before deciding on the best Rodent Proofing for your property.



INSECT PROOFING IN Marylebone W1 Insect Control & Fumigation for Houses & Commercial Buildings in West London HEPA

HEPA Filter Vacuum

A special type of vacuum with specialist infiltration systems installed to ensure the removal of pests nesting inside your building. Take control of growing pest epidemics inside your home or business premises anywhere in Marylebone W1 or throughout Marylebone W1.


Sanitation is prevention against future infestations! Our Biocide Treatment Specialists in West London use chemical or biological methods to get rid of pests, bacteria and eliminate other viruses lurking and growing inside your property in Marylebone W1.


ULV Misting or Fogging

Ultra Low Volume (ULV) Misting or Fogging Treatment is used predominantly to apply disinfectants, fungicides, pesticides and biocides to pest-infested areas of your home or business premises. In Marylebone W1 our pest controllers use foggers to generate oil and water based β€˜Thermal Fogging’ for properties throughout West London and guarantee to get rid of pests while preventing future infestations.


Drainage System Cleaning

Drain blockages or damages can result in stagnant water and other organic matter building up in your pipes. This must be removed to ensure they do not attract Rodents or Drain Flies. We offer a regular drain cleaning service in Marylebone W1 including descaling, root removal and drainage system repair throughout West London 24/7.



ON TIME PEST PROOFING SERVICES IN Marylebone W1 British Industry Standard Pest Proofing Services for Houses & Commercial Properties in West London

Looking for a trained professional Pest Controller in Marylebone W1 to help you keep pests away from your house or business premises? All our employees are fully trained and qualified in providing tailored Pest-Proof Solutions for residential and commercial properties situated anywhere throughout West London.


Join thousands of other happy customers we have helped over the years and receive a reliable pest control service guaranteed to deliver results.
On Time 24 Hour Pest Proofing Services are available 7 days a week in Marylebone W1 and throughout West London. Bird Proofing Services in Marylebone W1 Fox Proofing Services in Marylebone W1 Rodent Proofing Services in Marylebone W1 Insect Proofing Services in Marylebone W1 British Industry Standard Pest Proofing Services for Houses & Commercial Properties in West London